
Thriller writer Mark Arsenault profiles fellow thriller writer Michelle Gagnon.

Swati Padney meets Zoe Ferraris, the author of the excellent debut mystery FINDING NOUF.

John Darnton talks up BLACK, WHITE AND DEAD ALL OVER to Fresh Air while Tana French and Louis Bayard discuss the crafting of mystery novels with Talk of the Nation. Also at TotN: Gwenda on ANNE OF GREEN GABLES!

Clayton Moore ponders aging in mystery.

Do classic mystery novels by John Buchan and G.K. Chesterton stand the test of time?

The Edinburgh International Book Festival: the little festival that grew

Chelsea Cain on writing her brand of thrillers for the Glasgow Herald.

Jordan Foster chats with Michael Connelly at PW, previewing the next Mickey Haller novel THE BRASS VERDICT.

RIP, Solzhenitsyn, for the two or three people who have not heard yet.

Rebecca Johnson wants to know why you won’t blurb her book. More on the subject from Ed Gorman.

So Kafka had a porn stash. This is supposed to shock? (via)

The intersection of literary authors and bands. (via)

Save Bat Segundo!

And save Wordsmith Books, too!

If I got this wake-up call I think I would punch someone in the face.

Finally, a smorgasbord of awesome.