Tuesday Linkpile

Since Gregory Beyer’s NYT piece last weekend posed the question of whether mystery writers face a challenge in depicting murder in a rapidly gentrifying city, I wonder if this photoessay, originally posted in 2006, is a rebuttal of sorts. At the very least, it’s beautiful and haunting and impossible to look away from.

The Washington Post’s Neely Tucker has a wide-ranging interview with crime fiction king Elmore Leonard.

Janet Maslin sure does love her gimmicks of late, doesn’t she? Makes me wonder if she’s getting bored with the whole book reviewing thing.

Charles McGrath previews the movie version of THE ROAD, coming out near the end of the year.

Rivka Galchen continues to garner attention for her debut novel ATMOSPHERIC DISTURBANCES, this time from the Wall Street Journal.

PW’s Jordan Foster chats with Tana French about her upcoming novel THE LIKENESS.

Salon’s Louis Bayard and Laura Miller discuss the death of the critic and recommend summer thrillers.

Mariella Frostrup is profiled at the Telegraph, and what with her hosting a book show on Sky Arts, I wonder if she’ll amass the kind of clout that Richard and Judy are about to lose now that they are vacating Channel 4 for cable and its lower viewership.

Lindsey Davis chatted with Nigel Beale during the Blue Met Literary Festival in Montreal a few weeks ago.

Robert Darnton writes of the library’s place in today’s world for the NYRB.

It’s all Hay Festival, all the time at the Guardian.

Speaking of literary festivals, the Independent weighs the pros and cons of them.

Is it terribly unseemly that every time a new issue of Bookforum is published I let out a little cry over how much I want to write for them and how no one seems to listen? It is, but what the hell.

The more I read about Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s parent Riverdeep, the more I shake my head. And am I surprised the new headquarters will be located in the Cayman Islands? Nooooo…..

Damn the critics who call Charlotte Roche’s book pornography. I still want to read it when the translation is published.

Hanif Kureishi: not a fan of creative writing courses, even though he’s affiliated with one.

The movie version of Greg Rucka’s WHITEOUT finally has a release date: September 19.

Canada’s foreign minister resigns and scandal erupts, as it should in this case.

And finally, RIP Sydney Pollack. Too damn young.