Tuesday’s Child

My review of Tom Rob Smith’s debut novel CHILD 44 runs today on the Barnes & Noble Review. And in a bid for transparency, I turned the piece in almost two months ago and long before the brick and mortar store designated the thriller as its latest store-wide recommendation, though still a few months after discussing the pre-publication hype.

Another big fan of the book is Vulture co-editor Dan Kois, who not only hyped it up at the end of last year but reviewed it for the News & Observer and conducted a Q&A with Smith for the print edition of New York. And Clayton Moore spills some ink about the book in his latest Mystery Strumpet column for Bookslut, while other raves come in via Newsweek, Otto Penzler, Barry Forshaw, and David Montgomery. I guess this means a contrarian take will show up soon enough, but what does it say that I still think about the book six months after my first read?