Magdalen Nabb, RIP

The sudden news via

William Heinemann and Diogenes Verlag AG report that Magdalen Nabb

sadly died suddenly at the weekend. Her funeral was held on Monday in



Nabb was born in Lancashire in 1947, and trained as a potter. She had

lived in Florence since 1975 and pursued a dual career as crime writer

and children’s author. Her novels which featured Florentine

investigator Marshal Guarnaccia include Death of an Englishman,

Property of Blood, and most recently, Some Bitter Taste and The


William Heinemann intend to publish her last novel, Vita Nuova, in 2008, with an Arrow paperback scheduled for 2009.

Nabb’s books were published in the US by Soho Press, and I’m in the process of finding out if that’s still the case for future books. Another one dead too young.

UPDATE: Associated Press’s obituary has hit the wires, and a statement from Soho is forthcoming.