Smatterings, everywhere

Malcolm Lowry reconsidered on the 50th anniversary of his death. (Via.)

Everything you could want to know about Irene Nemirovsky is probably contained in this essay by Benita Eisler.

The Times reprints Ian Rankin’s introduction to the ROUGH GUIDE TO CRIME FICTION.

Patrick Anderson goes into some dark places
after reading Brent Ghelfi’s debut thriller VOLK’S GAME.

Ali Karim reports back after attending the 20th anniversary party of Jane Gregory’s literary agency.

Jennifer Jordan was the latest guest on Bleak House’s Podcast. Benjamin Leroy also writes in to let people know that they are looking for an aspiring author to ask questions of a publisher on
behalf of authors everywhere. Deadline to submit is July 1.

Ed takes Dana Gioia to task
for a Stanford commencement speech.

Critical Compendium: your one-stop shopping for book review links. (Via

John Burdett’s Bangkok 8 has been optioned for film by Millenium Films.

Paula Woods wishes an editor had taken more time polishing the “diamond in the rough” that is NEW ENGLAND WHITE.

Michael Robotham explains to the Adelaide Advertiser how much he’s enjoyed leaving ghostwriting behind for crime novels.

And finally, giant penguins? Cool!!