
Not posting much has its privileges because I didn’t lose anything from Typepad! Bloody outages…

The Telegraph’s Will Cohu talks to Jeffery Deaver about why readers are number one with him, constructing thrillers and breeding dogs.

The same paper also has a great feature on Jane Austen’s relevancy in the 21st century and Susanna Yager’s crime fiction column.

At USA Today, Carol Memmott interviews Scott Smith – back after a 13 year layoff from novel-writing – and raves about Dan Fesperman’s THE PRISONER OF GUANTANAMO.

The Philly Inquirer’s Marc Shogol looks at the two most recent releases by noir great Seymour Shubin.

Hip-hop luminaries make use of business guide
to help them through their day? Uh, sure, I guess that makes sense…

Ross McDonald died 23 years ago this week, and J. Kingston Pierce at the Rap Sheet has many good things to say – plus some exciting news care of Tom Nolan.

Vikram Chandra’s SACRED GAMES got an absolute ton of buzz at BEA (though it won’t be out in the UK till September and US till January) and he talks to the Bookseller’s Benedicte Page about why it took so long to write this massive 900 page thriller.

Everyone told Nick Bottomley he was crazy to open up a new independent bookshop. But he tells the Guardian what prompted him to do so.

And finally, “Who’s on First?”