Time constrained smatterings

Too much to do today (and the rest of the week, really) so links in short order:

Clea Simon takes on the latest Dave Robicheaux novel by James Lee Burke, while Patrick Anderson approves of noirish efforts by Donald Westlake (aka Richard Stark) and Matthew Jones.

Linda Landrigan is interviewed by the Nashua Telegraph about the exhausting effort to come up with Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine’s best stories published over its 50-year history.

Patrick Quinlan is a busy guy. Not only has he published his first novel, a second is finished and he’s working on co-writing Rutger Hauer’s memoirs, the Associated Press finds out.

Margaret Maron’s character-rich novel will incorporate some real-live people thanks to a recent charity auction, as the News-Observer discovered.

Eva Ibbotson pens a love affair to the libraries of her childhood and present (hat tip: Jenny D)

Newsday’s Amy Rosenberg meets Clifford Chase, whose new novel WINKIE is getting much review attention all over the country.

Michael Connelly has won the Maltese Falcon Award – Japan’s highest crime fiction honor for hardboiled and PI fiction – for LOST LIGHT, the latest book of his to be translated in that country. Jiro Kimura reported on the news.

Speaking of awards (and more news I’m effectively pilfering from Jeff & co. at the Rap Sheet blog) the nominations for the Ellen Nehr award for mystery criticism include Paula Woods, Adam Woog and Dick Adler – a shortlist I’d have a hell of a time choosing from. All of them should win, really.

And finally, yes, it really was ‘the head-butt heard round the world.’ Way to tarnish a legacy, Zidane. Nice.