Back in the mystery genre

A few years ago before the crime fiction anthology boom pretty well exploded, TART NOIR, co-edited by Lauren Henderson and Stella Duffy, was pretty much one of the best ones going (I’ve read my copy several times through and through.) Henderson, who wrote the Sam Jones series, moved over to romantic comedy – fiction and also non-fiction, with JANE AUSTEN’S GUIDE TO DATING – but it seems she’s coming back to the mystery world with this:

Tart noir co-founder Lauren Henderson’s KISS ME, KILL ME, a Veronica

Mars-meets-British boarding school mystery starring a 16-year-old, who

is thrust into a whirlwind of scandal when a popular boy dies minutes

after he kisses her, to Claudia Gabel at Delacorte, in a very nice

deal, by Deborah Schneider at Gelfman Schneider.

This sounds like it will be so much fun to read.