Let the Rebus Countdown Begin

Ian Rankin seems to figure in some news story by the Scotsman every day, practically, but this one’s of particular significance because he goes into detail about the inevitability of ending the Inspector Rebus novels:

So what can the Rebus fan expect from those two, final books? Perhaps reading the Evening News will help provide the clues, hints Ian.

"I get a lot of stuff from the Evening News," he admits. "I’ll tear out a page and stick it in a folder. The paper is a great source for me."

"The final book will have to tie up a few loose ends including the relationship between Rebus and Cafferty, the main villain.

"But I’ve not really thought about the final scene," he admits.

All I know is that it will be weird to write that last chapter. The blokes at the Oxford Bar say I should just go and get a real job. I’ve been thinking a bit about radio plays and working more with actors.

Whatever happens, it’s interesting to note an asymmetry with J.K. Rowling:

"Then again, JK Rowling said when she finishes Harry Potter she might write a thriller. Maybe I’ll do a swop with her and write a children’s book… who knows?"

I know I can’t be the only one who’d buy that book…