Jennifer Weiner and the mystery world

Busy morning what with meetings and other pesky duties but since several people brought up Jennifer Weiner’s GOODNIGHT NOBODY and wondered why it hadn’t been getting any attention in the mystery world, consider this piece in the Philadelphia City Paper attention.

There’s one minor nitpick in that the book’s been out since Tuesday (when Weiner launched the book at the Lincoln Center B&N with a wine & cheese pre-signing soiree hosted by White Lie Wines, followed by a packed house that roared at all her stories to the point where someone asked if she’d ever considered doing stand-up), but the piece was originally slated for last week’s edition and got bumped ahead, as these things do.

It’s been a great week all round for her as she also just re-upped with Atria for three more books, with the stipulation that she won’t do a book a year anymore. So the next one probably will see publication sometime in 2007.