Department of Head Scratching

Now granted, I still have to watch the actual clip of Karin Slaughter’s appearance on the CBS Early Show earlier today, but usually the online transcripts are pretty faithful to what was said on the air.

So if that’s the case, how to explain how she described TRIPTYCH, her standalone due out next year?

"My next book is outside the series, new characters," she says. "It takes place in Atlanta (and) opens with a bludgeoning of a prostitute, which is great because you never see prostitutes in small towns."

It’s not on par with ZadieGate, and maybe it’s just me, but it does seem, um, odd…

UPDATE: Ah, the tale of the tape — and I should have figured that by actually watching the clip, the body language and nonverbal cues would alter things somewhat. Deadpan humor — which Slaughter excels at, and it was cool to see Harry Smith in stitches throughout the segment — doesn’t translate well to the written page, unfortunately.