Happy Trails…

Well, folks, it’s closing time. Finish up the last round and let’s put the chairs up on the table, to make it easier for the cleaning crew in the morning. Last one out get the lights…

It’s been fun — and eye-opening. I have even more respect for the Divine Ms.Sarah than ever — blogging’s harder work than I realized. And I’ve also realized just how addictive this can be — already I’m kicking myself for all the things I didn’t get into (BSP, sig files, dumb promotional tricks, gimmick detectives, list Nazis, the future of private eye fiction, Raymond Chandler’s kangaroo, the music/crime continuum, pseudo critics, stupid writer tricks, blurb whores, etc., etc., etc.)

And for those of you keeping score, tonight’s workshop went over well. Some good discussions, and they generally liked my latest chapter, which is always encouraging, and some of their comments were pretty darn shrewd and constructive, which is always helpful (See? I don’t just edit — I’m edited).

But now it’s night again, and as the coyotes warm up and D.L. burrows under the covers, I must bid you all a fond farewell.

And, uh, merci bien, Sarah.

A la prochaine….