Around the world for links

For whatever reason, the train wreck that is the dissolution of Terry McMillan’s marriage fascinates me greatly. Oh my lord. And you know the soap opera’s going to continue for months to come. But in the meantime, join Ed Champion in coming up with titles for Terry’s next book — which is the one after the one just out now…

So let me get this straight: John Carey, Man Booker International Chairman,is bitching that the UK literary world doesn’t pay enough attention to world literature. Uh, they’re still doing way better than the US is, from what I can see. Relativity. It’s all about relativity…

What do you get when you mix together Ian Rankin, Alexander McCall Smith and Irvine Welsh? An interlinking work of fiction due out by year’s end, that’s what. (thanks to AC for the link.)

Jane Stanton Hitchcock is a former NY society lady turned novelist who chronicles…NY society ladies. Her latest book is ONE DANGEROUS LADY, and she talks about it to the NY Daily News.

Vote rigging in awards? In Paris? Um, why should I be surprised? Or am I too cynical?

Speaking of the French, how did they not realize that when they moved the National Library of France to a new location nine years ago, up to 30,000 books mysteriously went missing? Well actually, I know how — they only inventoried the place recently…

The debate of the week: Elizabeth Clemenson proclaimed “down with MFAs!” Steve Almond countered. And the letters just keep on pouring in

Steven Hayward’s debut THE SECRET MITZVAH OF LUCIO BURKE is about an Irish-Italian kid — like the author — who is fascinated by Jewish culture and ritual. So is it appropriation or admiration? The Globe and Mail’s Simon Houpt tries to find out.

And finally, lord knows I should just stay the hell away from any and all mentions of THE TRAVELER (lest I trumpet the same cry over and over again) but after reading Carol Memmott’s breathless piece for USA Today, a simple thought came to mind: John Twelve Hawks is Jack Reacher.