Even celebrities can be psychostalkers too

Because what other explanation can be given for Chrissie Hynde’s bizarro fangirl act?

Rock legend Chrissie Hynde is such a huge fan of British author Martin Amis, she got drunk and attacked him in an attempt to get a book signed.

THE PRETENDERS frontwoman Hynde spotted the LONDON FIELDS novelist during a night out – but struggled to find the courage to approach him.

She explains, "I am such a huge fan because there is real humanity in his novels.

"No man has made me laugh the way he has. I totally disgraced myself the last time I ran into him.

"I wanted him to sign my copy of London Fields but by the time I finally summoned the courage to ask, I was so drunk I – shall we say brought him to his knees on the dance floor.

" I got my book signed, but also have to live with my humiliation."

Granted, I took her statement the wrong way at first, but that might have prompted a longer news story, I reckon…

(link from Ed, who’s finally finished his BEA coverage. Herculean, I tell you!)