The Blog Anthology, Part Deux

Yes, it’s that time again. The time when a whole host of writers take the same story germ and do as they please. Last time, Dave White & Bryon Quertermous recruited fourteen folks in all to take part. This edition, heretofore known as “Going Twice”, almost doubled in size. 

Who’s in? See the post directly below. The story germ? An item found, taken or involved in a police auction. The word count? 3000 words. Or at least, that’s what it was for those who followed directions and didn’t blow right past it…

I’ve no doubt many people chose a more direct approach to the idea. Me? I chose a different tack, which you can read here.

I originally wrote a huge long piece explaining how I got the idea for the story, but instead, I’ll say this: Some of the characters are real, others are not. And although the main character fascinates me enough that I don’t think the story’s fully done by a long shot,  I’m really more of a Dave Tarras fan…