Lunchtime links

Rebecca Caldwell reports that the Chapters on Bloor & Bay, once the chain’s flagship store, is being replaced by Winners. Well, duh. It always struck me as odd that I could bookstore-hop between that and the Indigo 200 yards away when they sold the exact same stuff

Keeping with the Canadian bookstore theme, more small publishers are getting into the direct sales act, pissing off booksellers. To which I say, what booksellers? There’s only one major chain in the entire country! I kid, there are worthy indies, but still…(link from Mobylives)

Publishing a depressing business? I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked! But Paul Carr offers up some ideas for how to circumvent this, even if people might not listen.

Paulo Coelho might be a mega-bestselling writer, but he wishes more people would understand him. Well, don’t look in this corner…

M.J. Rose is interviewed over at Great Writing about her multiple lives as author, marketing guru and blogger.

The Bookmunch crew chats with Andrew Holmes, most recently the author of 64 CLARKE.

I haven’t caught up with Victor Gischler’s blog of late, but he’s recently posted a couple of cool interviews with Charlie Stella (right at the top) and Harry Hunsicker (scroll down a bit.)

Another day, another piece about Elizabeth Kostova, this courtesy USA TODAY. She reveals she’s working on a new book and hope it doesn’t take 10 years to write.

And finally, this is about the silliest idea I’ve heard in ages.