I won’t be giving this to my mother for her birthday

Either this piece is ridiculously breathless, or I’m just adding my own interpretation to the mix:

"Boy Vey! The Shiksa’s Guide to Dating Jewish Men" throws "shiksa love" – in which Jewish men have historically chased after blonde women for status – into reverse.

Under chapter titles like "You Probably Won’t Meet Him in Wyoming" and "The First Shtup," Kristina Grish, who has 18 to 20 flings with tribesmen under her J. Crew belt, covers topics like dealing with his mom and handling a Holy Day with ease.

A few months ago, Grish was chatting with an acquaintance when the woman asked what her book was about.

"It’s a non-Jewish guide to dating Jewish men," explained Grish – at which point the conversation turned rather frosty.

"So you’re the reason I can’t find a boyfriend," said the woman.

The irony is that Grish — who evidently seduced a former boyfriend on Yom Kippur, which is about as unholy as you can possibly get — is dating a non-Jew at the moment:

As it turns out, there’s one more eligible Jew in the dating pool now that Grish herself is currently dating (gasp!) a non-Jew, author Scott Mebus – her first gentile in a few years.

"But when I first met him, I thought he was Jewish!" she protests. "Really, I did. When my publicist found out I was dating a non-Jew, she said, ‘Can’t you just pretend for the sake of the book?’"

Of course, the whole interdating thing is a field so thorny it would probably take me several books — or an entire career in fiction — to mine it.

(link from Jimmy Beck)