Heroes and Obsessions

I have sinned.  I’ve been blogging for most of the last six hours or so and have negleted to mention another unsung hero.  My good friend and fellow Dagger shortlistee, Bryon Quertermous.  I was reminded by his comment to another post, regreting that I had neglected mentioning him as a major influence on my career.  I must say, Bryon’s enthusiasm has been an inspiration to me on this odd little quest.  Though it must be said that enthusiasm like Bryon’s looks better on him.  At my age enthusiasm at his scale is often mistaken for mental illness.

I also bring up his name because I have a suggestion for him.  Submit your novel, “Lunchbox Hero” to Tor/Forge, Bryon.  They have a costume already.  Promotion would be a breeze.

And on a personal note – I am now offically obsessed with Melissa Broder from Tor.