Scouring the Canadian scene

One of the things I’d hoped to do more of was keep an eye on what’s happening in the Canadian mystery world. With my impending move it maybe a bit more difficult to do so, but here are some choice events to keep an eye out for if you’re in and around the Toronto area:

First, tomorrow night (that’s May 18) the University of Toronto Bookstore kicks off its “Whodunnit?” series with a trio of great writers: Warren Dunford, Maureen Jennings (whose novels were recently adapted into a UK television series) and Howard Engel, whose Benny Cooperman novels will get a wider audience with its future US release by Carroll & Graf next year. Come hear them read and sign their work over at the Hart House Library beginning at 7:30 PM.

Then a week later, on May 24, pretty much the cream of Canada’s crime writing crop appears at Hart House, what with Peter Robinson, Giles Blunt and Brad Smith on the bill. My guess is that it’ll fill up pretty quickly, so get there as early as you can.

These events lead into early June, when Canadian crime writing really takes hold thanks to several events: the awarding of the Arthur Ellis Awards on June 5; Canadian Crime Writing Week, which takes place from June 6 to 10, which leads right into the next edition of Bloody Words, Canada’s version of Bouchercon; and Book Expo Canada, where the Crime Writers of Canada will have special events and autograph sessions as part of the major industry trade convention in my native country.