Wait, wait, I’ll tell you

It occurs to me, looking over the archives of the last month or so (the last few days notwithstanding) that the tone of the blog has been somewhat, oh, scattershot of late.

But there are good reasons, and so I’ll finally stop hinting and come out with it:

I’ll be starting a Cool and Fabulous New Job ™ at the end of next month — and so, after 2 years away, I’m moving back to New York.

I don’t want to get into some kind of maudlin thing about how much the city means to me blah blah blah, but I find it strangely ironic that just as I’d finally accepted that yes, my life would be perfectly all right if I never lived there again, I got a job I really wanted, that pays more than I have ever been paid for a day job, has benefits (dental insurance!)  and oh yeah, requires me to live and work in Manhattan.

I think that falls under the “offer I cannot refuse” category.

So there’ll be lots of changes afoot. I’m still working out what that will mean for the blog, but the bottom line is that I’m aiming for more distilled quality, hopefully with extra help. More event reporting, and obviously, a different slant, since I won’t be living in Virtual Manhattan anymore: it’s about to be the real thing now.

And on that note, have a wonderful weekend. The update will be delayed till late Sunday night, but look for that as well as special reporting from the weekend’s Malice Domestic convention.