We always did love a good cage match

So not content with making a huge introductory splash into the blogosphere, reformed TV writer Paul Guyot (who I know was around at BCon last year, but somehow I missed meeting him then) has issued a serious challenge to David “Man of More Hats Than Me” Montgomery:

I’m officially calling out David J. Montgomery.

Over on his blog the Crime Fiction Dossier he has dared to insinuate that I created this blog to avoid writing. Ha! I say.

Didn’t he read my first post? Or was it my second?

Anyway, I am calling his review writing, goatee wearing, self-righteous butt out!

See, DJM has a little piece of unfinished work sitting in his desk drawer. And if this blog is merely procrastination in disguise, then what the heck are all his sites???

So, in front of the entire world… or at least the six people who

read this as well as the comments on his blog, I offer an official

challenge to Mr. Montgomery:

Starting right this second, whichever one of us is the first to

complete a full first draft of our manuscript wins dinner (including

wine) AT THE RESTAURANT OF WINNER’S CHOICE at whatever conference or

convention is first up after the ms is finished.

You are all witnesses.

Montgomery accepted the challenge, and now the fun starts: who will finish their novel drafts first? Who will succumb to the pressures of procrastination? And who is that clown lurking in the corner over there?

Oh, wait a sec. Anyway, the match has begun.