Now I swear they’re just making up news stories

How else to explain this oddity in today’s Grey Lady?

If Dan Brown needs any help with

the sequel to his mega-best-selling

“Da Vinci Code,” the would-be assassin

of Pope John Paul II is standing

by to help him. He’s also willing to

extend a helping hand to Mel Gibson

in the making of a film on the pope.

Mustafa Demirbag, the lawyer for

Mehmet Ali Agca, who tried to

kill Pope John Paul II in 1981, said

his client had

written to Mr.

Brown to say

“that beneficial

results for the

whole of humanity


emerge from

this encounter,”




Like what, writing a better book? Hmm…

Speaking of DA VINCI-related items, this parody was most amusing. It takes its time, but the punchline cracked me the hell up.