The most important day of the year

Next Tuesday, April 19, is a very special day.

It’s not Christmas. It’s not New Year’s. It’s not even Yom Kippur.

No, it’s bigger. Way bigger than all of those combined.

It’s Ben & Jerry’s Free Ice Cream Cone Day!

So for all you lucky people, you can queue up for free ice cream as many times as you like between the hours of 12 and 8 PM on Tuesday. Sadly, I cannot, because there are no Ben & Jerry’s outlets in this backwoods city I currently call home, and I’m too lazy to take a train to Toronto just to indulge my inner ice cream geek, who has many, many fond memories of previous Free Ice Cream Cone Days during her college years.*

But it seems that I have a regular blog reader who works at this fine company. And so, confidentially to him (or her), I’m so glad you’re reading my site every day and that I’m providing necessary literary enjoyment.

But dammit, I want free ice cream.

Can you help? It would be much appreciated.

Now, I admit, this is incredibly shameless of me, but then, I want to see just how awesome the power of blogs are. Changing book culture? That’s all well and good, but getting free ice cream? Now that would be something.

*I  have also shared in the Vermonster experience, which incapacitated me for days thereafter. But god, was it worth it.