
So we all know that too many blurbs are considered suspect for a number of reasons — logrolling, sharing editors and agents, people not reading the book. But now, Mitch Cullin has taken blurbing to dizzying, astonishing new heights*:


Even for a lot of established writers, the Holy Grail

quest for a good blurb can be a daunting task; and for

up-and-coming writers, it can be downright impossible

and often painful.  The Blurb Project was created to

alleviate some of that pain and offer you (writer,

scholar, malcontent, student, gimp, Second Coming) the

validation you so rightly deserve.  Keep in mind,

however, that while many well-known writers wield

their blurb-giving powers as if it were manna from

heaven, author blurbs don’t usually sell a large

number of books, guarantee awesome reviews, or change

the world.

So, please, consider the following quotes as simply a

kind of decor for whatever you’ve written or

fashioned.  I’m glad to help, and hopefully others

will join the cause.  But should you freely claim a

blurb (or blurbs) from the Project, you are required

to do one thing:  once the chosen blurb(s) is

sha-biffed and given a home on the cover of your

masterpiece, you are obligated to send me a copy of

the work so it can be ceremoniously placed upon The

Blurb Project Shelf of Ultimate Grandness (if this

isn’t done in a timely manner, not much will happen,

other than I might feel inclined to shame you in the

privacy of my tiny little apartment:  “Shame, shame,

shame on you, whoever you are!“).

There are so many favorites to choose one but I think this beats them all:

”(whatever you want me to say about your book here)”

– Mitch Cullin

Feel free to add your own suggestions as well.

(link from Mark Sarvas, who’s already claimed one of these blurbs for his very own)