World’s Worst Interview? More like best

Because Victor Gischler manages to ask George Pelecanos some seriously strange questions that result in quite the hilarious answers:

**If you needed an extreme

way to relieve some stress, would you rather run over circus clowns in

an SUV or throw billiard balls at mimes? (Or perhaps some other way


GP: Don’t hate…appreciate. I think people should make love to mimes.

So they could see their gestures when they began to achieve nirvana. As

for clowns,I would never hurt a human being who was crying inside.

Unless it was crawling out from under my bed with a steak knife between its teeth. 

What is the most interesting contest you’ve ever won (or lost)?

GP: We used to have contests on all the retail sales floors I worked.

Guys always bragged about selling icemakers to Eskimos and sandboxes to

Arabs. I once sold a blind man tickets to a silent movie. So I won.

Dammit, now I want to know how he did that…!