Trench Reporting

Which will be done “bullet stizz” (to shamelessly pilfer lingo from other sources):

-John Rickards forgot to buy eggs (and so much opportunity for choice heckling was lost) but still managed to keep his wits and provide a lengthy report on cheering his mate, Otis Twelve, onto victory at Lit Idol earlier this week;

-Olen Steinhauer flew from Budapest to New York and back in a mere 48 hours — the reason, as he realized in mock horror, being “lunch.” Well, it was a bit more complicated than that (as it was a prelude to BruenFest) and his report is a fascinating look into St. Martin’s PR efforts for their authors.

-Meanwhile, Ken Bruen’s tour is officially underway, and Charlie Stella is first out of the gate with a dispatch about last night’s launch event at Black Orchid, while Mary Reagan, ace photographer as always, provides the visuals.

Once more reports stream in, they’ll be posted here as well.