awards, volume 3: The Gumshoes

The Gumshoe Awards have been announced, and the winners are:

Best Mystery:
Jim Fusilli: Hard, Hard City (Putnam)

Best Thriller:
Barry Eisler: Rain Storm (Putnam)

Best European Crime Novel:
Henning Mankell: The Return of the Dancing Master (New Press)

Best First Novel:
Dylan Schaffer: Misdemeanor Man (Bloomsbury)

Best Crime Fiction Website:
January Magazine’s Crime Fiction Section

Lifetime Achievement Award:
Lawrence Block

Congratulations to everyone!

On a personal note, I’m especially pleased to see January Magazine, and J. Kingston Pierce in particular, recognized for his absolutely herculean efforts in keeping the crime fiction flame alight. Because if it hadn’t been for Jeff’s superb editing skills and continued encouragement, I doubt I would have had the confidence to start blogging, nor to be in the position I am currently.