
And of course, how can I not lead off with the suicide of Hunter S. Thompson. I don’t know why I’m so shocked. In a way, what other way would he go other than to decide for himself? The tributes will be pouring in in no time…

Janet Maslin revives the “Crowd Pleasers” section with a look at what I’d call “angsty-girly” books.

Patrick Anderson does the “unthinkable”: he reviews a paperback original in his thrillers column! But the review of Allan Topol’s latest thriller allows Anderson to riff on the West Wing, Airport thrillers and what not.

The Globe and Mail’s Simon Houpt catches up with Peter Carey, currently flogging his travel memoir WRONG ABOUT JAPAN.

Otto Penzler continues his quest for world domination (at least, of the mystery world) by expanding his new imprint to Hutchinson/Arrow in the UK.

The 11th annual Bath literary festival has attracted some serious star wattage, including Ian McEwan and Kazuo Ishiguro. Look for it to start on February 26.

In the day late dollar short department, David Montgomery gave a great full-length review to Duane Swierczynski for his debut novel SECRET DEAD MEN, and now there’s something about the author preparing to buy the critic cocktails at BCon

And finally, you do realize that dropping hints like this is the equivalent of injecting crack in my veins. Though the post that’s being commented on is well worth reading too….