So Who are these Young Turks anyway?

Mad Max Perkins points to Publishers Weekly’s piece on the rising stars of the publishing industry and riffs on it in humorous fashion. The chosen editors, movers and shakers are:

Tim Duggan, HarperCollins

Chris Jackson, Crown

Gillian Blake, Bloomsbury

Geoff Shandler, Little Brown

Sean McDonald, Riverhead

Molly Stern, Viking

Becky Cole, Broadway

Richard Nash, Soft Skull Press

David Levithan, Scholastic

Nancy Hinkel, Knopf Books for Young Readers

But let’s face it: most of us plebians probably haven’t heard of them, but we might have heard of who they edit or are about to. So after the jump, I present a list of the Turks’ most prominent projects, finished or otherwise.

Tim Duggan: Clarence Thomas’s autobiography, Charles Chadwick’s debut novel IT’S ALL RIGHT NOW (late 2005), Senator Bob Dole’s upcoming memoir on WWII (sometime in 2005) James McGrath Morris’s upcoming biography of Joseph Pulitzer

Chris Jackson: Aaron McGruder’s Boondocks collection, Stan & Jan Berenstain’s children’s books (THE BERENSTAIN BEARS), Air America personality David Sirota

Gillian Blake: Owen King (son of Stephen)’s debut novel and short story collection, Douglas Coupland’s ELEANOR RIGBY, Andreas Klein’s non-fiction account of 1973’s influence on the world, the novels of Joanna Trollope

Geoff Shandler: Susan Orlean tracing nine generations of Rin Tin Tin (really???) literary agent Jim Donovan’s book about Little Bighorn, John Le Carre’s ABSOLUTE FRIENDS,

Sean McDonald: George Saunders’ next novel and a non-fiction work, Larry Kolb’s account of foiling an Al-Qaeda plot, John Hodgman’s upcoming book about pop culture esoterica, James Frey’s memoirs,

Molly Stern:  Soho Publisher Juris Jurjevics’ debut thriller, Mimi Hare and Clare Naylor’s THE SECOND ASSISTANT, Jasper Fforde’s Thursday Next novels, JT Leroy, Dan Blum’s LISA33.

Becky Cole: THE GEORGE W. BUSH QUIZ BOOK, Josh Aiello and Matthew Schultz’s THIS IS YOUR OFFICE (a guide to all the stereotypes who work there)

Richard Nash: Lydia Millet’s EVERYONE’S PRETTY, Douglas Martin’s BRONTE, Jenny Davidson’s HEREDITY, Michael Turner’s THE PORNOGRAPHER’S POEM

David Leviathan: oddly, no deals show up.

Nancy Hinkel: Barack Obama’s upcoming book for kids.