Harlan Coben stays put

Though  many rising stars and established veterans have jumped ship of late, Harlan Coben–who did some jumping himself a couple of years ago–will stick around with Dutton, as just reported over the transom:

Two more thrillers from international bestselling author Harlan Coben, again to Carole Baron at Dutton and NAL, with Mitch Hoffman editing again, in a major deal, for publication beginning in 2006, by Lisa Erbach Vance at the Aaron Priest Literary Agency.

What interests me is that unlike the last time around, the monetary amount is kept under wraps. And why not? He doesn’t have anything to prove, doesn’t have many more publishing mountains to climb.

And for those who might hold onto a faint shard of hope that the Myron Bolitar series will continue (emphasis on "faint shard") it may be of interest that the film options to all seven books have been bought by Columbia and producer John Calley. Let the casting begin…