Books ‘n Bites

David Freeman recently launched an initiative called “Book Bites” where writers could make short video clips to talk about their books. Galley Cat spent the last few days browsing the site and notes a few favorites of her own:

Stella Duffy on Immaculate Conceit:

This is a book about “women’s body issues,” “how society sees women’s

body issues,” but also about “being in love, and what happens when you actually have an affair with an angel.”

Nicholas Sparks on The Guardian:

My boyfriend, after watching this clip, likened Spark to a high school

senior, convinced the sophomore girl he’s talking to has a crush on

him, when she really doesn’t.

Michael Connelly on The Poet: Is the 180 here intentionally or unintentionally comic? I’d prefer to think the latter.

Having listened to the clip, I’m inclined to think the former myself. It’s the deadpan humor kicking in again.

A new Book Bite is added every day, and noted crime writers who have contributed clips (besides Duffy and Connelly) include Ian Rankin, John Le Carre, Simon Kernick (looking a trifle bored) Mark BilinghamAndrew TaylorBoris Starling, Jeff Deaver, and PD James.

And as to the site’s overall premise, that the author is the best equipped to talk about his or her book, it depends. Judging from some of the clips, it seems readers might know the authors’ work better than the authors do.