Behold, the Rap Sheet is here again

And as usual, some very choice links, news, and reviews of new books written by folks like Natalie Collins, Sam Hill, Stephanie Kane, the Hard Case Crime boys, and many more. Also, Anthony Rainone was January’s Man at BCon, and provides a handy update to what went on, especially with regards to stuff I forgot about or simply missed:

One of my other favorite Friday panels was “Fight, Fight, Fight: What the Real Thing Looks Like.” It was based on a demonstration by professional fight trainer Shah Franco, who has trained in the Israeli Army, and others. Franco demonstrated various realistic fight techniques that writers could use for both the heroes and villains in their novels, and the fallacies to watch out for. (One thing to remember: If your character gets hit in the face, he or she is going to bruise up and have one serious headache).

Now, as for Rainone’s next sentence, I think that after my next post, “adorable” should be altered to “asskicking”….