Crimespree gets a makeover

With issue three in the process of arriving in subscribers’ mailboxes as we speak (after being the hit of the convention dealer room) Crime Spree saw fit to get a new look on its website. They’ve got photos from Bouchercon, the contents of said new issue, and much more. And while you’re looking around, don’t forget to check out which way’s easiest to subscribe. Because if you do, then you’ll get to read goodies like Aldo Calcagno’s insight into mystery blogs, Bruen v. Starr, Alina Adams on how cozies can attract younger readers, and a short story by yours truly (which led Ray Banks to call it “deeply unnerving” and “just plain sleazy.” Guess I did my job…)

Anyway, check them out. And then, like crack, you’ll just keep wanting more…