By request

Things are more than a little hectic this morning due to some prior commitments and errands to run. Hence, new stuff, including a gigantic backlog of mystery-related links, won’t appear till tomorrow morning. But since Charlie Williams wished to see a new post so he wouldn’t have to be assaulted by the food pics right off the top, it seems more than fitting to link to this Sydney Morning Herald article about the state of crime fiction and let the world see who is that country’s bestselling crime writer:

Otherwise, it’s a fairly standard article on the state of crime fiction in Australia with interviews by some of the leading authors in that country. I do sort of wonder why Ms. Moss isn’t published outside Oz–surely the marketing people would love her….books, I mean.

UPDATE: Harry Hunsicker does some book-related research and digs up Tara’s official website. I must say, it’s not too often that a bestselling crime writer has downloadable wallpaper and a portfolio of her own photos.