Checking in

Although some stragglers still remain and some last gasps of the week that was, Bouchercon 2004 is now in the memory banks. It will be discussed in future as, I think, one of the better ones of the last few years. I still have to process everything (and recover from a rather long-running hangover) but I haven’t had so much fun, been more relaxed and seen so many others in the same state of mind at any of the 3 previous BCons I’ve attended. In any case, I’ll have more to say tomorrow–especially about the utter unintentional hilarity that was the Anthony Awards Banquet–as I let my thoughts percolate and try to get some much-needed sleep.

But I will say two things: First, thanks to all who came up to me and mentioned they read the site, knew of it, and also to those who made a point of mentioning it to others. Each person’s compliment drove the point home that I seem to be doing something right.

And two, the long-awaited new issue of SHOTS Pat Lambe, JA Konrath, Kristian Williams and Gerald So. Interviews with Laura Lippman (brand-new winner of the Barry and Anthony Award for Best Novel), Dan Fesperman, Lindsey Davis and many others. Reports on Ian Rankin’s launch, Harrogate and Crime Scene, and lots more. So please do check it all out.