In the exploding heads dep’t

Although I’m not quite exactly hung over, I might as well be judging by the utter fog my brain happens to be in at the moment. It’s really quite remarkable. Hence, the “flights of randomness” type post that follows:

So Britney got married again. Or did she? Is it not incredibly weird that Matt Drudge, of all people, got the big scoop about the US Weekly cover article? It’s so hard to keep up with the mounting train wreck that is La Spears (or, as rumor will eventually have it, Mrs. Federline. Ack.) because truly, it changes practically every hour. Next it’ll turn out that she didn’t really stage a fake wedding with her would-be husband, but with a stand-in. Sigh. Like I said, so bloody hard to keep up…

He may have left the building that is the ‘sphere, leaving thousands to mourn (including some with a hilarious case of irony impairment) but even that wasn’t enough–now TMFTML gets his very own obit in the New York Times, briefly explaining to Nat Ives why he’s hanging it up. Um, holy surreal, Batman. (Fourth item.)

And even more in the irony-challenged department: Kentucky doesn’t exactly heart Philip Roth at the moment for making that state look kind of bad (read: anti-Semitic) in his new novel THE PLOT AGAINST AMERICA. (link from Maud)

While I only saw bits of his magnum opus (so to speak) I had a kind of strange respect for the guy, after all. RIP, indeed.

I had something scintillating to say about Anne Rice opening a can of whoopass on those who didn’t like her latest book BLOOD CANTICLE, but frankly, Ray said it way better.

And finally, so you win the biggest lottery in history. And this makes you a target for burglars. Here’s a surefire (albeit extremely confusing) way to freak them out.

UPDATE: Whoops, even though I had advance word about it, I still forgot to post about it initially. Read all about–gack–the corroding influence this show had upon my family.