Website and Stories

I’ve created and maintained my own website for years (although my wife created the latest design). I had someone else do it for a while, and while I loved what that person did, I started doing it myself again.

It’s not a cost issue for me; it’s mainly that I enjoy doing it on my own and that I like having the total control of the design, layout, content, etc. If I get tired of a banner; I just make a new one. If I want to add new pages, I can upload them whenever I want. There are drawbacks to this, of course. I’m no HTML expert, so I mainly use AOL’s software, which is fine for most things, but it does have its limitations. There are some things I can’t do and the site doesn’t look as ultra-professional as some others. It’s also a constant work-in-progress so I’m behind on some of the current design. But, for me, the positives of doing it on my own outweigh the negatives….I wonder if any other author does it entirely on their own?….I recently added audio and a film page added sample chapters for most of my books….I used to have a page for short stories on my website, but took it off recently. The page linked to several short stories I’ve published around the Web, but I felt the stories were getting a bit “old,” so I removed them. I love writing short stories, and have actually written a couple of new ones recently, but lately I’ve been devoting most of my writing time to novels and screenplays…and blogging!!