If you want to get laid, stop reading Harry Potter

The Glasgow Daily Record (that bastion of proper journalistic integrity) reports on a recent survey conducted which concludes that girls judge a man’s desirability by his reading habits:

Penguin books quizzed 1000 females about the holiday reads they would look for in a mate.

They found fantasy fiction like JK Rowling’s series, JRR Tolkien’s Lord Of The Rings and Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels put girls off.

Sex and relationships expert Tracey Cox, from BBC2’s Would Like To Meet, said men escaping into alternative realities appear to have less grip on the real world.

She added: ‘They usually are so immersed in the world they’re experiencing through their book, they forget about real life.

‘This guy isn’t going to be trendy or particularly rich.’

The most attractive genres to women are true stories, autobiographies, classics, thrillers, crime and mystery.

A heavyweight title such as Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights is more appealing than macho blockbusters by Tom Clancy.

The report also claims that “more than half of men and women say books can inspire a chat-up line.” Ah, crap. Busted.