Olympic-related reading

Now that the Olympics are underway, if you’re inclined to look for some crime fiction set in Ancient or Contemporary Greece, I’ve pulled together a list of notable books and authors in this feature for January Magazine.

And although it hasn’t fully kicked in yet–give it a day or so–I expect to be wasting too much time this week and next in front of the television watching steroid-enhanced athletes give it their all before being forcibly drummed out of the Games. So while the guest-bloggers play, I’ll be hanging out over here. I like the idea of a blog that has a definitive beginning, middle and end, and it’s a way for me to talk about some other obsessions that wouldn’t make the cut here. Because, you know, I never have enough things to do already…

UPDATE, 2:45 PM EDT: The brother unit takes the opportunity to reminisce about one of our all-time favorite Olympians (albeit of the Winter variety): Eddie the Eagle! Oh, what a brilliant sight it was to see him fly off the ski jump…and hardly travel at all. Best.