Blogging Virgin in the House!

Thank you, Sarah, for that introduction. I am hoping the technical difficulties have been worked out, and this missive I am currently typing will actually make it onto the World Wide Web and not remain something simply for my own amusement. As so many of the things I write often are.

For those who missed Sarah’s very kind introduction below, I am Alina Adams, former writer of romance novels, current writer of figure-skating mysteries, first-time blogger.

It is late Monday night as I write this. My husband, kids and I are visiting my parents in California. They do not have a DSL connection. I may go into high-speed Internet withdrawl, so if anyone in the Bay Area hears late-night screams of, “Hook up, hook up, I said hook up, already!” that’s one particular mystery solved.

I am very excited by this opportunity to blog. As a rule, I simply spew out my many, varied opinions to anyone unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity the moment I am struck by one. This will be the first time I’ve ever been asked to do so in an organized manner, so we’ll see how that turns out.

In any case, I hope to make this an entertaining week for everyone as I ruminate on topics ranging from “Why I’m a Publicity Whore,” “Writing… With Children,” “How to Slander and Get Away With It… So Far,” and “Murder for Charity.”

Let the blogging begin! (Tomorrow)