
Tomorrow I intend to blog about public speaking. There was some chat on that subject here a while back, but since then I’ve done two events (and have three more planned) and I want to dredge the whole sorry subject up again, recriminations and all. Kevin Wignall suggested in the comments that I do this, but I was going to do it anyway. Honestly I was.

The reason I’m going to talk about it tomorrow and not today is because I’m knackered. Which brings me to another subject I might blog about (tomorrow) – “the writer and the day job – pros and cons”. If anyone knows any pros, let me know. Cos I don’t (apart from the fact that the day job enables me to survive physically, whereas…)

Anyway, a big cheers to those who posted in the comments bit, and to those who just read the blogs and didn’t comment, and to everyone really. Do tune in for more harmless tomfoolery tomorrow.