Links and Stuff

To get me into the spirit of things, a bit of light linkage…

On BBC Radio 4’s Front Row program last night was a little piece about Lebowski Fest 2004, which is in New York this year. I’ve got to admit to being a serious devotee of this movie. I adore anything by the Coens, but this one just nails something. From the opening credits on, I’m just in heaven when I put that thing in the video. But alas, New York is out of my reach right now. Maybe next year. Who would I dress up as? Well, the Jesus, of course. No one fucks with the Jesus. Anyone wanting to bribe me or make me happy, you could go do worse than this.

Nominees for the “Silver Booker” announced in The Independent. Is over 50 really old, for a writer? Nah.

People are queueing up to slag off Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, reports The Guardian. And not a trace of jealousy in sight.

Keep a look out for anyone trying to buy cattle or pigs in your area. They could be a book thief.

Er, thats it. Did I do OK? Did I do OK? Come on, give me a chance.

More stuff later.