
While the news itself–that Choire Sicha is stepping down as editor of to get “kicked upstairs” and get more freelance gigs–doesn’t surprise us at all (actually, we’ve been waiting for months.) However, his impending replacement–one Jessica Coen–is a very nice surprise, and we couldn’t be happier.

So, for those out of the loop, who exactly is Jessica Coen? Why, she’s that Detroit-born girl who spent a fateful couple of years out in Los Angeles working within the Hollywood machine, chronicling her life and the gossipy world that is Hell-ay in her blog, The Blueprint. Now that she’s moved to New York, her voice and Gawker’s new void appeared to be the perfect fit the boys were after. She starts at her new post next week.

Congratulations, Jessica! And no doubt certain folks are whooping it up in the D.