New Rap Sheet

More catch-up: the July edition of January Magazine‘s Rap Sheet is now available for perusal. Choice offerings include Kevin Burton Smith’s rather curious reaction to BY A SPIDER’S THREAD, Ali Karim’s rave review of Jeff Lindsay’s DARKLY DREAMING DEXTER, and my own take on Deon Meyer’s South African thriller HEART OF THE HUNTER, which is smart, action-packed, and rather insightful.

Along with its usual blend of reviews, news, and updates, The Rap Sheet also delivers a bit of information I hadn’t heard anywhere else, but was not surprised about: Tom Bradby’s Cairo-set thriller, THE GOD OF CHAOS, has had its UK release date pushed back from August 5 to February 2005. As a big fan of Bradby’s, I’ll assume the delay will mean a better book that will be worth the wait.