Last call

Gosh, today proved to be a hypergraphic’s delight. But before I sign off, a gentle reminder:

On Monday, July 26th, M.J. Rose will be participating in a Virtual Book Tour for her new novel THE HALO EFFECT. It’s the brainchild of Kevin Smokler, who came up the with the concept of authors appearing on several blogs and websites in order to reach readers in a new and exciting way.

I’m very happy to have been included in Rose’s tour, which will hit seven different sites in one day, guerilla-style. So on Monday, I’ll take a breather and let her take over the reins.

I’ll post this reminder again on Sunday night after my usual spate of blogging madness that day, which will hopefully include a special surprise. Or it might not. We’ll see. In any case, have a good weekend.