Don Winslow’s next project

For a while, it looked like Don Winslow was going to be a good candidate for being a Disappeared Author. After writing five acclaimed PI novels starring former pickpocket Neal Carey, he wrote THE LIFE AND DEATH OF BOBBY Z (1997), a very sharp hardboiled standalone, followed by the multi-nominated CALIFORNIA FIRE AND LIFE (1999) about an arson investigator, making use of Winslow’s 15-year experience in the field. Then, nothing. A lot of people have asked about Winslow’s whereabouts, and the good news is, he’ll have a new book out next year.

I’d actually seen mention of this in the Edgar Awards handbook but forgot about it until recently when I was cleaning up my room and found the reference again. Though there’s not much information available yet, it looks like Winslow is still with Knopf (who published the first edition of FIRE AND LIFE) and his next book, THE POWER OF THE DOG, will appear in stores at the end of April.

Considering that BOBBY Z is the only book of Winslow’s that I’ve read to date, I have a fair amount of catching up to do before the new book is released….