Bringing to mind an old Yiddish expression…

…that when man plans, god laughs. It sounds better in Yiddish, but the sentiment’s the same.

Suffice it to say that your humble correspondent will be spending the next little while sequestered in the metaphorical equivalent of a black hole, contemplating the age-old question: “what next?” No doubt a similar question that aspiring writers ask when their baby-slash-manuscript has been rejected by everyone who looks at it, especially by the one he or she was sure was The Perfect Fit. It’s a blow, a true disappointment–and the only thing to do is to get back on that damned horse and keep at it. Or switch directions. Or realize the direction’s already been switched without realizing what happened.

Thanks to everyone who’s encouraged, supported, and rah-rah’d. More of the same would be most welcome.

That’s it for today. See you tomorrow.