Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome

So as you can see, things have changed just a little bit in my corner of the ‘sphere. And now that I’ve set up shop with a domain name and new look in tow, I thought I’d make some additional changes.

Notice, for example, the “Picks of the Week” section. Every week, five books that I like, accompanied by a brief one-line comment. I’m still working out the mix but I suspect it will be one older book, a couple of recent ones, and a galley or two. Look for a fresh list every Monday morning. I may also alternate between North America and UK books since I do read a lot of UK-only books that might otherwise get neglected.

I plan on keeping my no-Fridays rule of posting as well, except on special occasions where original content may appear, but that will always be preceded with advance warning.

So take a look around, grab a chair, and make yourselves comfortable.