This definitely has potential

Via the fertile creative mind of Tingle Alley:

I’m currently preoccupied with imagining a sit-com based around

Christopher Hitchens. Tentatively called “Everybody Pisses Off Hitch,”

it features a wacky female neighbor who, even though she works some

great prop comedy and hilarious visual gags, never manages to amuse the

star, who sits at the kitchen table drinking Scotch and blinking like a

mordant eagle caught in the rain. The show’s signature catch-phrase is,

“I find that boring and irritating,” and on a very special holiday

episode Hitch gets very drunk and regales the neighborhood kids with

the story of the lost weekend he and Kingsley Amis spent in Tijuana.

I like it, but I also like the idea of a Hitchens reality show solely set in bars, restaurants and other places where Hitch might be drinking. Or maybe something on the Food Network: “Mr. Hitchens’ Beverage Club.”